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Individual Counselling

Personalised wedding therapy, focused on individual counselling, is designed to support and guide you through the emotional and psychological challenges that arise in the lead-up to your wedding day. This specialised form of therapy is tailored to meet your unique needs, aiming to enhance your mental well-being as you navigate this significant life event.

This is a short term counselling service looking at wedding related issues. For longer term counselling, challenging more complex issues, please refer to my website here.

Challenges We Help You Navigate

  • Stress Management: Individual wedding counselling can provide personalised strategies for managing the stress and overwhelming decisions tied to wedding planning, helping individuals maintain their well-being amidst the pressures of organising such a significant event.
  • Navigating Loneliness: Even with support, individuals may feel isolated during the wedding planning process. Counselling can offer a space to explore these feelings, providing strategies to foster connection and reduce feelings of loneliness.
  • Anxiety Over Perfection: Many individuals face societal pressures to create a perfect wedding. Therapy can help individuals manage these expectations, focusing on the personal significance of the event and cultivating acceptance of imperfection.
  • Financial Stress: For individuals, managing wedding expenses can be daunting. Therapy can offer guidance on budgeting and financial planning, helping to alleviate the stress associated with wedding-related costs.
  • Emotional Support: The emotional rollercoaster of wedding planning can be intense. Individual therapy provides a supportive space to navigate these emotions, ensuring individuals feel understood and validated throughout the wedding process.
  • Family Dynamics: Dealing with family expectations and dynamics can be challenging when it comes to weddings. Individual therapy can offer strategies to navigate these complex relationships confidently, empowering individuals to make decisions that honor their values.
  • Inclusive Celebrations: For LGBTQ+ individuals, therapy can address the unique challenges of planning a wedding that authentically reflects their identity, providing support in facing any societal or familial pressures.
  • Cultural and Religious Considerations: Therapy can assist individuals in thoughtfully incorporating their cultural and religious traditions into their wedding plans, ensuring these aspects are handled with care and respect.
  • Preparation for Change: Therapy can support individuals in adjusting to the life changes marriage may bring, helping them navigate the transition with resilience and openness.
  • Conflict Resolution: Planning a wedding can highlight personal differences with family or a partner. Individual therapy offers strategies for managing disagreements in a way that strengthens personal growth and relationships.
  • Creating Support Systems: Therapy can help individuals recognise and cultivate supportive networks, emphasising the importance of having a solid foundation of support from family, friends, and professionals.
  • Resource Provision: Therapists can provide individuals with tools, exercises, and resources, such as journals for reflection and mindfulness practices, to support their mental and emotional health during this period.
  • Boosting Self-Esteem: Facing a significant event like a wedding can stir self-image concerns. Therapy can work on building confidence and self-worth, ensuring individuals feel positive and self-assured.
  • Overcoming Fear of Attention: For those uneasy about being the center of attention, therapy can offer coping strategies for moments like public speaking, being photographed, or the first dance, helping individuals manage performance anxiety and enjoy their day.
  • Body Image Concerns: Addressing worries about appearance and fostering a healthy self-image, especially in the context of wedding attire and feeling comfortable, is crucial. Therapy can provide a space to work through these concerns, promoting a positive body image.
  • Managing Performance Anxiety: Therapy can offer techniques to reduce anxiety related to wedding speeches, the first dance, or any moment where the spotlight is on, helping individuals to fully engage and cherish these experiences.

How the Counsellor Might Work With Clients

  • One-on-One counselling: Offering a confidential space to explore and address personal challenges related to wedding planning and self-perception.
  • Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques: Teaching methods to stay present and reduce anxiety, focusing on enjoying every moment of the wedding experience.
  • Practical Stress-Reduction Strategies: Providing actionable steps to manage stress and maintain emotional balance throughout the planning process.
  • Building Emotional Resilience: Assisting in developing resilience against the pressures and stress of wedding planning and societal expectations.
  • Personalised Coping Strategies: Tailoring advice and coping strategies to the individual's circumstances and emotional needs.
  • Reflective Practices: Encouraging journaling and other reflective practices for effective processing of thoughts and emotions.

This personalised approach to wedding therapy acknowledges the unique experiences and challenges faced by individuals on their journey to marriage, focusing on supportive, empathetic counselling tailored to ensure a balanced, joyful transition to married life.


Online: £700 for 6 x 1 hour sessions.

Face to face: £850 for 6 x 1 hour sessions.