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Couples counselling.

Wedding couples counselling leading up to a wedding day differs significantly from standard couples therapy, which often focuses on resolving ongoing issues or conflicts. The period leading up to a wedding is unique, carrying its own set of challenges and stressors that can impact a couple’s relationship. If you want couples counselling covering more than just wedding related issues, please visit my website here.

Here are key reasons why specialised pre-wedding couples therapy can be crucial.

Unique Stresses of Wedding Planning:

  • Communication: Helps couples to build consistent communication, sharing their hopes and fears in the lead up to the big day. Things can get busy around this time so ensuring that couples make intimate time for themselves is key to joint-up thinking and being.
  • Family Dynamics and Expectations: Weddings often bring to the forefront complex family dynamics and expectations, which can strain the couple’s relationship. Issues such as disagreements over wedding plans, family traditions, and financial contributions can become sources of conflict.
  • Cultural Pressures: Couples from diverse cultural backgrounds may face additional pressures to honor their traditions, which can be challenging to navigate without disappointing family members or compromising their own desires.
  • Personal and Social Expectations: The desire to create a “perfect” wedding can lead to unrealistic expectations, exacerbated by social media and societal pressures. This can result in significant stress, anxiety, and even affect self-esteem and body image.
  • Financial Stress: Weddings can be expensive, and discussions about budgets can reveal deeper values and priorities that may not align perfectly between partners, leading to potential conflict.
  • Time Management and Decision Fatigue: The sheer volume of decisions and planning within a limited timeframe can be overwhelming, potentially leading to burnout and impacting the couple’s ability to enjoy their engagement period.

Importance of a Positive Therapy Space:

  • Safe Space for Communication: Specialised therapy provides a neutral and supportive environment for couples to express their concerns and anxieties openly, without fear of judgment. This can prevent issues from festering and leading to more significant conflicts.
  • Mediation and Perspective: A therapist can help mediate discussions about sensitive issues, offering perspectives that help couples understand each other better and find common ground, especially regarding family dynamics and cultural pressures.
  • Stress Management Strategies: Therapists can equip couples with effective stress management and anxiety reduction techniques, helping them navigate the pressures of wedding planning more calmly.
  • Strengthening Relationship Foundations: Therapy can reinforce the relationship’s foundations by focusing on communication skills, conflict resolution, and reinforcing the bond between partners, ensuring they enter marriage with a strong, healthy relationship.
  • Protecting Against Familial Pressures: Couples might be protective of their families, fearing that airing grievances could lead to long-term issues. A therapy space allows for discussing these concerns constructively, helping to manage and set appropriate boundaries without alienating loved ones.


Online: £895 for 6 x 1 hour sessions.

Face to face: £995 for 6 x 1 hour sessions.